The poultry department has one of the largest poultry shows in the Northeast. Our show consists of many species of waterfowl, fancy show birds and a large assortment of bantams. Competitions in turkeys, ornamental and racing pigeons, laying birds and eggs are very popular, with everyone thinking that theirs is the best. All competitors hope that their bird will make the “Court of Honor” where we display the “best of the best.”
The part of the poultry building, which is the most sought after, is the chick hatchery! Throughout the fair we have eggs hatching and baby chicks on display. This is our busiest area and people spend hours waiting for their special egg to hatch. Natures miracle of life is on display for all to see. Another popular activity that our young fair visitors really enjoy is feeding the birds. Last but not least, hen flying and cock crowing contests that take place on the second Saturday of the fair always attracts a crowd – come and root home your favorites.